Yoga, Sanskrit for ”union” or ”control”, is basically a set of mental, emotional, and physical practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India, aimed primarily at unifying and disciplining the mind, promoting self-transformation, and accepting the self as pure and unaffected by the activities of the everyday world. The word ”yoga” comes from the root yoga, which means joining. Yoga is an offshoot of the Hindu religion that preaches the practice of the discipline through a strict adherence to the rules and discipline of the Lord Buddha.

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The main aim of this code of conduct, called ’Sadhana’, is to purify the soul and reach enlightenment. This is done through meditation, proper dieting and physical exercises.

Yoga is also a great form of exercise, which gives you a very nice feeling and makes you feel good about yourself

Yoga is also a great form of exercise, which gives you a very nice feeling and makes you feel good about yourself. The main purpose of doing yoga is to achieve union with the Supreme God, or God Shiva (Bhaisukha), who is considered the ’conscience’ of all the living creatures and material things on the earth. The ultimate aim of yoga is to reach samadhi – which is a state of ultimate peace, bliss, love, and wisdom. In order to reach this state of consciousness, the practitioner must follow the practice of meditation, breathing techniques, relaxation, wearing comfortable and light clothing, and daily physical exercises.

Yoga improves concentration and enhances creativity and imagination

Yoga is one of the best ways to achieve the physical, mental and spiritual balance. Yoga helps to maintain the body, mind and soul in harmony. When the physical body is toned and strong, it helps the body to fight psychological illnesses. Yoga improves concentration and enhances creativity and imagination. Regular practice of yoga leads to better health and mental balance.

Know the Advantages of Yoga